These social wasps live in colonies which number thousands of individuals. Nests in wall voids, attics, or in places where they can go unnoticed all season. 3/4" long black with yellow or white markings.
1" long; black and yellow body covered with hair.
3/4" long; black with yellow or white markings. Nest are made of papery material; nests either aerial or below the ground or both; nests are large and globular.
3/4" long; black or brown with red & a few small yellow markings. Nests are made of papery material; one circular comb of cells opening downward.
Many mites are beneficial, preying on eggs of aphids, attacking insects on plants, and hunting roundworm in the soil. Ticks are generally larger than mites, some species measuring up to 1-1/8" in length. Ticks sometimes can carry diseases from one animal to another.
The Northern House Mosquito is pale brown with whitish bands across its abdomen. They have a 9 mm wingspan and can fly up to 14 miles to take a blood meal working from dawn to dusk. They breed in cans, old tires ,rain barrels storm drains, marshy areas.
The house mouse is the number one rodent in the world. General appearance is small and slender. They weigh 0.4 to 1oz. The head and body are 2-3.5 inches with the tail being about 3-4 inches. They have poor eyesight but an excellent sense of smell, taste, touch and hearing.
Norway rat (brown rat, sewer rat, barn rat, wharf rat, and gray rat). An average adult measures up to 16" in total length from nose to end of the tail and weighs about 12 ozs. grayish brown color, but may vary from pure gray to a blackish or reddish brown.
Norway rats and black rats are the two most common rats in the U.S. Norway Rat: 16 inches long from nose to tip of its tail, grayish brown in color and weigh about 16ozs. Typically live in underground burrows even when nesting places are available within adjacent buildings.
House mice are typically small, slender - about 2 to 3 ½ “ long, with large ears & a pointed snout. Their tail is about 3-4" long. Their fur ranges from light brown to light gray. They have poor eyesight but have excellent smell, touch, taste & hearing.
Bed bugs are about 1/8"-1/4". They are very flat, usually 2/3 wide as long. Rusty red to brown or purplish. The antennae is slender, 4 segments. Similar in size to an apple seed. Habitat: Human habitations, particularly bedrooms. Range: Worldwide. Food: Human blood.
These crickets are yellowish brown between 3/8 and 3/4 inch. The female cricket can lay eggs year round.
Camel Crickets: Camel crickets (humped, tan or gray bodies)between 3/8 and 2 inches long. Antennae as long as their bodies.
Camel crickets prefer to live in dark areas.
Dog and cat fleas are the intermediate hosts of tapeworms capable of infecting humans if accidentally ingested and more than 90% of the fleas found on your pet. The cat fleas life cycle is in 4 stages which is egg, larva, pupa and adult.
Oriental Cockroaches are large very dark colored and shiny.
Brownbanded cockroaches are brown with pronounced banding across their wings.
German cockroaches are light brown to tan with two dark stripes located on their backs. They are oval shaped with six legs and antennae.
It is perhaps the most well known spider in North America. The adult female is usually jet black above with 2 reddish triangular markings joined to form an “hourglass” shape on the underside of the abdomen. Mature females are nearly ½" in body length and males are about ½ this size.
The body color of the brown recluse spider varies from yellowish to light tan to dark brown abdomen. Cephalothorax( the combined head and thorax) is orange-yellow with dark violin pattern. Bases of legs are orange-yellow, rest of legs grayish to dark brown. The male is about 1/4" and the female is about 3/8".
Wolf spiders are large, hairy running spiders that are often confused with tarantulas. They are active hunters and construct no webs. Larger species are up to 1-1 ½" in body length and can have a leg span up to 3 to 4".
The common house spider has a body length of about 3/8" and is brown in coloration. Its spherically shaped abdomen has numerous darker markings. This species selects web-building sites at random .If the sites do not yield prey they are abandoned.
Members of this family are often mistaken for wolf spiders & also sac spiders. They differ from the sac spiders in that the front pair of spinnerets are cylindrical rather than cone shaped and unlike wolf spiders, they have no large eyes.